Featured Products

Glow in the dark Wrist Bands
Your brand can be seen in both day and night with these glow in the dark wrist bands.

Hi Vis & Taped
Have a look at our selection of Hi Vis & Taped Workware for you and your workplace.

Want people to be 'attracted' to your brand? Get in their house and on their fridge with these magnets
The Big Beanie Bonanza

Special prices for a limited time!
- 4455: Black, grey and navy
- 4240: Black/white, grey and navy
- 4230: Bottle
- 4229SF: Black with the silver fern
- 4232: Black/white
- 4235: Bottle, charcoal and grey
- 4236: Black
- 4443: Black, grey and navy
To order, simply email sales@visionpromo.nz with your request and we will assist you with your order.
*Prices are only available until the 30th of June 2023, while stocks last, so get in quick.
New Trends - Edition 4
This brochure is an all-encompassing guide to our recently released products since September 2022 until January 2023. This features over 150 new products.

Automotive Collection 2022
Going Somewhere? - Take a look at our Automotive Collection 2022 before your go. It features over 80 products for all marketing essentials as well as gifting ideas.